Term 2, Week 9 2022
Dear Families,
We are coming close to the end of Term 2 and are therefore half way through the school year. The past six months have gone extremely quickly and reminds me that schools are busy places. There is always something happening each and every day for our young people, our parents and our staff. Thank you for the contribution you and your family have made to our school community so far this year.
While we often focus on the learning or academics in a school, the Covid-19 pandemic has reminded us of the importance of wellbeing in our lives. This applies to all age groups and all cultures. Jesus calls us to care for ourselves, each other and all of God’s creation. In our catholic schools we place a strong emphasis on wellbeing. Each term our students undertake the Classroom Pulse Check-In Survey where they are asked how they are travelling at that particular time. The teachers are then able to access that information in order to support the children in their class, especially if there are similar issues amongst a number of students.
Likewise, we have a survey on the Living, Learning, Leading Framework which operates across all catholic schools in South Australia. I am sure that you have heard about this Framework over the past few years. There are some good videos that explain what it is all about here and I encourage you to have a look at them. Each year there is a Living, Learning, Leading survey for students, another for staff and one for parents. We will conduct these surveys early in Term 3. Again, I encourage you to complete the 2022 Parent survey as it provides us with feedback about how we are meeting expectations. A link to the survey will be sent to you early next term.
Our teachers have been working hard on the Semester 1 Reports over the past few weeks and these will be sent home on Wednesday of next week. I wish to say ‘thank you’ to our teachers for their commitment and their extra work in compiling and preparing these reports. We have been using Microsoft Word to complete these reports and have encountered a few technical issues along the way and are therefore looking at moving across to the reporting system in SEQTA, the software we use for recording absentees, pastoral care notes and other data. We are hopeful of making this move either in Semester 2 this year or Semester 1 next year. This change will be an opportune time to make some changes to the format and content of our Reports.
While we are excited to welcome our new Reception children next term, we are sad to see the Majok family leave due to relocation. We thank Aguer, Aluel, Apajok, Aleer and their family for the contribution they have made to our school community and wish them all the best for the future. We have appointed Miss Tara McAnulty (a former student) and Miss Jasmine Fischer as joint teachers for our new Reception class. Jasmine will work Monday and Tuesday, Tara Thursday and Friday and they will alternate Wednesdays. We welcome both Tara and Jasmine to our school community as they begin their teaching careers together.
Next week is NAIDOC Week, which is a time to celebrate the histories, cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is held each year during the first week of July and is an important annual event where everyone’s invited to join in the celebrations. You can find further information and resources here. Mrs Tullio and Mrs Musolino have organised a Wellbeing Day on Monday, which will include a Welcome, Smoking Ceremony and Prayer. The children will participate in a variety of activities, organised by the teachers, throughout the day on a rotational basis.
I will be taking a week of Long Service Leave next week to travel interstate for a family celebration. Mr Platten will spend the majority of his time at St Mary Magdalene’s next week in my absence. I look forward to working with you again in Term 3. Have a fantastic holiday break with your children. Remember school returns on Monday 25 July.
Working in Partnership
Peter Mercer
Head of Campus
‘Let us take one day only in hands at a time. Resolve to do good today and better tomorrow.’ ~ Catherine McAuley
Recent News
The Liturgical Year of the Church and Special Celebrations
Next week we celebrate NAIDOC Week. The theme this year is Heal Country! Heal our Nation! For our indigenous people country is part of their identity. It is family, kin, law, ceremony, tradition and languages. Through their languages, songs, ceremonies and traditions they celebrate country and country speaks to them.
We will begin our last week of the term with a wellness day organised by Mrs Tullio in Year 5/6. To begin this day, we will have a smoking ceremony performed by Mihali and Anzac Lochowiak from St. Thomas More School.
We pray today that we begin to heal country by embracing First Nations’ cultural knowledge and understanding of Country and see them as equal to the cultures and values of all Australians.
Class Liturgy
Reception Drewett and Year 1/2 Shapcott shared a beautiful liturgy in the Chapel last week. Students in the Early Years have been learning about fairness through their unit of work on Justice and have been listening to stories from the bible that show examples of Jesus showing fairness to others.
Catholic Education Office and the Family Faith Formation Team
You will find included in this newsletter a letter from the Catholic Education Office and the Family Faith Formation Team. Sent home with your child/ren today is a family prayer booklet, ‘Say a Little Prayer’.
Sacrament Program 2022
For information regarding our Sacramental Program, please email Melissa Musolino.
Dear Parents/ Caregivers,
The World Meeting of Families is taking place in Rome June 22-26. The theme is Family Love: a Vocation and a Path to Holiness.
To celebrate the wonderful vocation of families, the Catholic Education Office has gifted (one per family) a booklet, Say a Little Prayer. This has been prepared by the Family Faith Formation Team.
This prayer booklet is designed to nurture the faith life of your family. It contains some prayers that Catholics often pray which are complemented by wondering questions for your family discussion. These are adapted from the current Religious Education curriculum Crossways Redesign which is in use throughout all Catholic Schools within South Australia.
Wishing you and your family every blessing as we continue to journey throughout this year.
Melissa Musolino
Police Visit
On Friday 17th June, South Australia Police came to St Mary Magdalene’s School to visit the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children. They shared with us some of the important things that they do as a part of their job:
They arrest the bad guys – Elias
They keep us safe – Penny
They help you – Alex
They use cars, bikes, horses, motorbikes, helicopters, dogs, boats, a bus and a plane to help keep us safe.
When they were visiting us, we got to;
Dress up like the police – Garang
See the Police car - Xavier
Sit in the back of the car – Mercy
We all had lots of fun and learnt lots of new things.
Mrs Drewett and the Reception Class.

Important Dates
School Photo Catch Up Day
Last Day of Donut Orders
Tijindu Foundation Fundraiser - Donuts!
End of Term 2, 2022
Beginning of School Term 3, 2022
3/4 Class Excursion Monarto Zoo - Details TBA next term

HUB English Lessons

Who's In Charge?
