Term 4, Week 3, 2022
Dear Families,
This week we celebrated All Saints Day (Nov 1) and the very next day All Souls Day. In our church these are very important days when we remember all the saints and how important they were in their time and the impact they continue to have on the world today, and the reminder for us to remember all those people who have died, especially those who may have been close to us. In our own families there are people whom we remember as being great people. They may have held the family together, they may have been warm and welcoming to everyone they meet, or they may just be good people who went out of their way for others. In life’s journey we all have our moments. We all make mistakes. We are all able to change and become better people because of the experiences we have or due to just seeing things differently than we might have before. While some people are identified canonised as ‘actual’ saints, the reality is, in God’s eyes, we can all become saints. I wonder, in your family, as far back as you can remember or have been told, who are the saints? Do you think future family members will see you as being special or as being a saint? What can you do to make that happen?
Next Thursday 11 November we celebrate two important things. Firstly, we have the Feast of Catherine McAuley. Catherine lived in Dublin, Ireland and founded the Sisters of Mercy, who began our school back in 1957. Her charism and values remain alive in our school. Secondly, we celebrate Remembrance Day. Each year we remember those who died or were injured in fighting to make Australia and the world a safer place. I always find that ironic, fighting to make the world a safe place! It is an important day that we need to continue to share with our children so that they can also pay respect and tribute in the future to those who have gone before. A good friend of mine, Andrew Chinn, wrote a song and put together a video which is appropriate for Remembrance Day (and Anzac Day). You can find the link here: We Will Remember Them (My Grandfather’s Hat). In the YouTube clip Andrew talks about the song, shares a prayer and then the song plays. I encourage you to listen to it.
This week our Year 5/6 children have had a ‘Reflection Day’ along with its associated sleepover and an excursion to AFL Max. This has been a special time for our students to spend time together in a different way, with on a focus of ‘We are connected’. Through these two days we are encouraging students to continue to build relationships with each other as classmates.
In Week 5 our children will participate in the Classroom Pulse Check-In Survey. This survey takes place each term to help us understand how our children are travelling in terms of their wellbeing.
Congratulations to those families who have had a new baby arrive recently. We welcome Micah (MacKenzie Year 1), Anastasia (Aurora Year 1) and Cornelius (Addison Year 2 and Penny Reception) to our community. May God’s blessing be upon your families at this special time.
Next week we welcome back Lisa Daniele to our front office after her time of Long Service Leave. I would like to thank Charli and Ged for stepping in and keeping the front office running in Lisa’s absence! We also welcome back John Mathew and keep his family in our prayers after the recent death of his brother back in India.
At the end of each year schools often have families who relocate to new areas and new schools. For our planning for 2023 classes and other events it will be valuable if we know of any families not returning for whatever reason. If your child(ren) will not be at St Mary Magdalene’s next year, can you please let us know asap via email: info@smm.catholic.edu.au or drop in and see me. Likewise, if you know of families looking for a school then please let them know that we are here as we do have places in most year levels. Our numbers are looking good again for next year with over 120 children, after dipping just below 70 a couple of years ago. Thank you to all those families who spread a ‘good word’ about our school to others, it is greatly appreciated.
I am sure that, like me, you are looking forward to a bit more sunshine over the next couple of weeks. Please remember that all students need to be wearing hats each day during both lunch breaks.
Working in Partnership
Peter Mercer
Head of Campus
‘Compassion should be our animating principle when undertaking instruction with children and adults, since they are made in God’s image.’ ~ Catherine McAuley
Recent News

Dear Parents/Caregivers,
It's that time of year again!
Dental for Schools will be visiting St Mary Magdalene's School for annual checkups and treatment. They will be visiting the school,Term 4, Week 5. If you would like your child to be seen with Dental for Schools please ensure you complete the consent form sent home with your child and return to the school alternatively you can email it to info@dentalforschools.com.au. You also have the option to complete the electronic form located here if that is more convenient. Medical Consent Form
If you do not wish for your child to be seen or you have already completed a form, please ignore this email and we apologise for any inconvenience.
If you have any questions or queries feel free to email Dental for Schools and their client services team will be happy to help.
Liturgical Events and Celebrations
We celebrate All Saints Day on November 1. Some Christians follow Jesus so well and give themselves to his work with so much generosity that we call them ‘saints’. The stories of the Saints teach us that there are many ways to follow Jesus. We can follow their example in our own lives.
We celebrate All Souls Day on November 2. This is a time for us to remember our relatives and friends who have died. We pray for them, and we remember them with love. This week your child would have brought home a love heart. We invite you to record the name of those people that you would like to remember during the month of November and return the heart to school to be added to our ‘we remember’ display.
We celebrate Remembrance Day on November 11. This is a special day for remembering those who have died in war. This day known, as Remembrance Day, marks the end of World War 1 in 1918. We will stop as a whole school in remembrance on this day.
On November 11 we also remember Catherine McAuley who started the Sisters of Mercy. In 1841 she built a house to serve poor women and children and visited the sick in their homes and in hospital. There are many Sisters of Mercy in Australia and throughout the world today. We pray that students and staff from Catherine McAuley School are blessed with good weather on this day to enjoy their celebrations.
Elizabeth Catholic Parish News
You may be aware that Fr. Pat has been unwell and unable to visit our school for Mass this year. The following information has been taken from the Elizabeth Catholic Parish Bulletin:
Fr Pat is currently being cared for in the Modbury Hospital. He has not been well for some time and has been unable to celebrate Mass on the weekends or be available for the parish during the week. It has become clear that he will not be able to come back to the parish as Parish Priest. In conjunction with his sisters and the nurses of the Archdiocese he is receiving all possible support. I’m also aware that several parishioners have been supporting him. Please keep Fr Pat in your prayers for his further recovery. We hope that he will be able to return home and that as a Parish, we can suitably farewell him and thank him abundantly for his many years of faithful service to the parish. St. Thomas More along with St. Mary Magdalene’s and Catherine McAuley schools, have prepared a gift for Fr. Pat. Thank you to students in 1/2 DV and 1/2 SM for the beautiful cards they have created. We ask you to keep Fr. Pat in your ongoing prayers.
Sacramental Program
The Sacramental Program for 2022 is now complete. If you would like your child to be involved in the Program in 2023 or would like more information about the program, please email Melissa Musolino: